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The value of energy efficiency

Thermals Spas not only strives for perfection with the Thermo Lock System Technology, but also incorporates energy-saving technology of the massage pumps.

Thermals Spas is the only hot tub factory with the Witness Laboratory of TUV and ETL in the world. Thermals Spas are confident on the execution of the hot tub due to several tests that are performed in the laboratory.  Tests are undertaken of the performance of the massage pumps and jets including the allocation and position, the ergonomics of the hot tub and the energy efficiency to help reduce running costs.

After years of innovation and a breakthrough in Thermo Lock System Technology, Thermals Spas have incorporated sealed covers of hot tubs and use energy-saving technology for the massage pumps.  Our hot tubs can maximize the savings made on the running costs of hot tubs, as well as saving energy.